I’ve lived a great life! I’ve got a wonderful family: a great, beautiful wife and three awesome children! I’m very thankful for my parents and my brothers. My wife, Julie and my daughter Abbie have been my caregivers during my years of ALS and I so appreciate them for all they did for me. Let’s face it, ALS is hard to deal with but add in the personality and attitude of the one stricken and let’s face it, things can get hard, really fast! So I thank God for my caregivers and all the adjustments and personal wishes I put them through.

My beautiful wife, Julie, has been a God send to me. I mean, I put her through much grief because of my issues with anger and Alcoholism but she stood by my side even through ALS! She loved me through it all. And she is a wonderful mother! Julie opened her heart and welcomed my son Tyler, from my first marriage, into our newly formed family and gave me two precious daughters, Maddie and Abbie. Tyler is now married to Kate and are starting their lives together in Portland Oregon.

We had many great times together as a family. Thankfully, we were blessed by being able to take many vacations together. Once we were able to spend a week at Heavenly Valley ski resort in Lake Tahoe. Julie knew how to ski but the rest of us had taken lessons earlier so Heavenly Valley was a challenge for most of us! Abbie didn’t take to much to skiing, in fact she hates it to this day! I guess its from the time when she was taking lessons at Soda Springs and she got burned bad from the sun because we forgot the sunscreen. So we are at Heavenly Valley and Abbie didn’t want any part of it. I called Julie, who was promised some time to herself, and said Abbie does not want to ski and to come and pick her up. Needless to say, Julie was unhappy about it. She marched down to pick Abbie up and read me the riot act! Abbie got an ear full all the way back to the cabin. Our first family trip was to Disney Land, what a great time! Abbie was about 5 years old. First ride we went on was the Matterhorn so we were in the sleds, one behind the other with Abbie behind me with her mom. Little did I know that Abbie was hysterical. I had the video camera so I swung around and filmed her for posterity. It’s no wonder that Abbie is not more traumatized.

Maddie and Abbie, my Dils, Daughters I Love! You’re very special to me and I have to say that I love you and am proud of you both. Your loving hearts, I am very thankful for. Your passion for life is inspiring. I know that I can rest in knowing how you love your Mom and that you will be there for her since you are close by. Thanks for your understanding and for being there for me in my final years.

Tyler, Julie and I are so proud of you and what you have accomplished in your life. From graduating college and spending time as a missionary in the Czech Republic, you should be proud as well. You brought Kate into our lives and we are thankful for her. You took her as your bride and established roots in Portland Oregon, although Texas is better. We love you both and wish only blessings on your marriage.

I’m thankful for my coworkers at BBU who helped me along the way and challenged me to excel to be my best. Russ, Kirk, John and George in California. Lalo, Leo and the team in Texas, thank you for your support once I was diagnosed with ALS. My family Thanks you as well! Also, thanks to Ed A, my brother, Keith and Pat M. Also, Albertsons reset team.

Lord, thank you for bringing this affliction into my life to draw me closer to you. Before I was diagnosed, you brought Guy into my life through Celebrate Recovery and I thank you Guy for your help to reach sobriety. And many thanks for all of you who have been praying for me. Only God knows how much more hard it could have been if not for your prayers. Prayers from Julie, my children, my parents and brothers, other family members, long time friends Kevin and Lisa, her sister Lori and their parents, Jerry and Judy, church family and many others!